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SILK Eye Surgery 
A 5th Generation Laser Specs Removal Technique

SILK Eye Laser is performed on the Elita machine by Johnson & Johnson, USA 

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Evolution of Laser Specs Removal Procedures

SILK is different from conventional eye lasers!

6/5 Super Vision

SILK procedure provides supervision quality unmatched by PRK, LASIK & SMILE 

All Laser - Gentle on Eyes

SILK procedure is

100% Blade - Free

100% Flap - Free

100% Pain - Free

There are no injections, no stitches and no admission involved.

One Day Recovery

Back to work the next day!

Total duration of SILK procedure is 10 mins.

While conventional laser procedures have significant recovery time and restrictions, SILK offers fast visual recovery and ready to go in 24 hours.

Reduced Dry Eyes

Studies have shown that SILK procedure causes reduced dry eyes compared to conventional laser procedures, offering a smooth post op recovery


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What is SILK?


SILK is a cutting-edge refractive laser procedure representing a significant breakthrough in FLAP-LESS Laser Vision Correction technology. This advanced procedure is expertly crafted to correct myopia (nearsightedness) up to -8.00 diopters and astigmatism up to -3.00 diopters. In simpler terms, SILK is designed to effectively eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses for those with these common vision problems. It's a remarkable solution in the field of ophthalmology, combining the latest in medical technology with a focus on patient comfort and convenience. With SILK, achieving clear vision without the dependency on corrective eyewear has become a more accessible and safe reality for many.


How SILK works?


The SILK procedure is a modern marvel in the field of eye care, designed to help you see clearly without glasses, using a process that is innovative, affordable and minimally invasive. Here's a detailed explanation of how it works:


  1. The Role of the Femto-laser on ELITA machine: At the heart of the SILK procedure is a highly advanced laser known as the Femto-laser. This laser is incredibly precise and is used to make minute changes to the cornea, the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of your eye.

  2. Creating the Biconvex Lenticule: The Femto-laser's job is to create a tiny, lens-shaped piece of tissue within your cornea. This piece is known as a biconvex lenticule. The term "biconvex" refers to its shape, which is curved on both sides, much like a tiny contact lens. This lenticule is specially designed based on your unique eye structure and specs power of the eye.

  3. Gentle Removal of the Lenticule: Once the lenticule is created, the surgeon makes a very small opening in the cornea. Through this opening, they gently remove the lenticule. This step is crucial because removing the lenticule changes the shape of the cornea in a very precise way.

  4. Reshaping the Cornea: The removal of the lenticule is what allows your cornea to be reshaped. This reshaping is tailored to correct your specific vision problem, whether it's nearsightedness (myopia or minus power) or astigmatism (cylinder power). By changing the way light enters your eye, the SILK procedure corrects your vision.

  5. Permanent Vision Correction: The changes made to your cornea are permanent, meaning that for most people, SILK can effectively remove the need for glasses or contact lenses forever. It's a transformative solution that offers a long-term fix for your vision issues.

  6. Quick and Comfortable Process: The entire procedure is quick, typically taking just a five minutes per eye. It's done under numbing eye drops, so you won't feel any pain. There's no need for stitches or a lengthy recovery, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.

  7. No Needles, No Stitches, No Pain: One of the best parts about SILK is what it doesn’t involve – there are no injections, no stitches, no bandages, and no need for hospitalization. It’s a minimally invasive painless procedure, meaning it's as simple and straightforward as possible.

  8. Fast Recovery with the SILK Procedure: One of the most remarkable features of the SILK procedure is its incredibly fast recovery time. Imagine undergoing a vision correction surgery and being able to return to your normal life, including screen work and other daily routines, in just 24 hours. This is what SILK offers, making it a highly convenient and appealing option for those seeking to eliminate their dependence on glasses or contact lenses. Here's a closer look at the recovery aspect:

  • Quick Resumption of Daily Activities: The SILK procedure is designed to minimize downtime. Most patients find themselves able to engage in their regular activities, including work and leisure, within a day after the surgery.

  • Screen Work and Digital Device Use: In today’s digital world, where screens are an integral part of our lives, the ability to quickly resume using computers, smartphones, and other digital devices post-surgery is a significant advantage. With SILK, you can typically start using these devices without discomfort within 24 hours after the procedure.

  • Ease and Comfort: The procedure's minimally invasive nature contributes to this rapid recovery. Since there are no stitches, bandages, or extensive healing required, the recovery process is not just quick but also comfortable.

  • Post-Procedure Care: Although the recovery is fast, it's important to follow post-procedure care instructions provided by your eye surgeon. This might include using prescribed eye drops or attending follow-up appointments to ensure everything is healing as it should.

Process of SILK Eye Surgery

Before Surgery

  • Age and Health Requirements: You must be over 18 years old with stable vision for at least 6 months. Variations in your prescription should be minor.

  • Eye Health: Your eyes should be healthy, with no issues other than needing glasses or contacts.

  • General Health Considerations: Women shouldn't be pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, you shouldn't be taking any immunosuppressant medications or steroids.

  • Comprehensive Eye Exam: Expect a detailed eye check-up. This includes tests to measure your prescription in different conditions, eye pressure, corneal thickness, and detailed corneal mapping. About 15-20 tests in total ensure you're a good candidate for SILK.

  • Pre-Surgery Instructions: If you wear contact lenses, you'll need to stop wearing them 3 days before the surgery. Avoid makeup, powders, perfumes, or fragrances on the day of surgery. Wear loose, comfortable clothing for ease during the procedure.

During Surgery

  • Comfort and Safety: The surgery is pain-free, performed under numbing eye drops. There are no injections, stitches, blades, or bandages involved.

  • Procedure Details: The surgery is quick – about 5 minutes per eye. A Femto-second laser creates a thin, lens-shaped (biconvex) lenticule in the cornea, which takes about 15 seconds. The surgeon then gently removes this lenticule through a tiny 2 mm opening.

After Surgery

  • Rapid Recovery: Most people get back to their normal routine within 24 hours. You'll be prescribed eye drops (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and lubricating) for 1 to 2 months.

  • Follow-Up Care: You'll have appointments after the surgery to check on your healing and ensure your vision is as clear as it should be.


Advantages and Benefits


  • Revolutionary Biconvex Lenticule Creation: SILK's unique approach in creating a biconvex lenticule represents a significant advancement in refractive surgery. This innovation allows for unparalleled precision in reshaping the cornea, directly translating to improved vision correction outcomes.

  • Rapid Postoperative 24 hrs Recovery: One of the most significant advantages of SILK is the expedited recovery process. Patients typically resume normal activities within 24 hours post-surgery, a testament to the procedure's minimally invasive nature.

  • Enhanced Safety Profile with 100% Flapless procedure: The flapless methodology employed in SILK significantly mitigates the risks associated with corneal flap creation, a common element in many other refractive procedures like LASIK. This reduction in risk factors contributes to a safer overall surgical experience.

  • Decreased Incidence of Postoperative Dry Eye: SILK has been observed to result in a lower frequency of dry eye symptoms post-surgery. This benefit is attributed to the minimal disruption of corneal nerves during the creation of the biconvex lenticule, particularly when performed with the ELITA Laser Machine. The preservation of corneal nerve integrity is a crucial factor in maintaining healthy tear film and ocular surface post-procedure.

  • Exceptional Accuracy: The utilization of the ELITA Laser Machine in SILK procedures ensures exceptional accuracy and efficiency. This state-of-the-art technology enhances the precision of lenticule creation and extraction, leading to optimal refractive outcomes.

  • Achievement of Supervision: A notable benefit observed in patients post-SILK procedure is the attainment of supervision, or vision quality surpassing the standard 6/6 metric. Clinical studies have demonstrated that a majority of patients undergoing SILK achieve vision quality that exceeds normal standards, offering them a superior visual experience.

  • Preservation of Depth of Focus: The biconvex shape of the lenticule in SILK plays a pivotal role in preserving the eye's natural depth of focus. This aspect is particularly beneficial in maintaining seamless focus transition across various distances and activities, such as driving, using digital devices, or engaging in close-up tasks. Unlike some refractive procedures that may introduce a lag in focus adjustment, SILK maintains a rapid and natural transition, thereby enhancing the overall quality of life and visual comfort in dynamic environments.

  • Ultra-Low Energy Laser: The SILK procedure's use of the ELITA machine is a key advantage, primarily due to the machine's ultra-low energy laser. This advanced technology ensures that the laser targets only the specific area of the eye that needs correction, avoiding unnecessary damage to surrounding tissues.

  • Reduced Collateral Damage: Translates to reduced post-operative inflammation and swelling are faster recovery.

Disadvantages of SILK


  • Limited Treatment Scope: SILK, while advanced, has its limitations in terms of the range of vision impairments it can correct. Currently, it is optimized for correcting myopia (nearsightedness) up to -8.00 diopters and astigmatism (cylindrical power) up to -3.00 diopters. This means individuals with very high prescriptions, particularly those with severe myopia or significant astigmatism beyond these limits, may need to explore alternative treatments like Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICL).

  • Not Suitable for Hyperopia: Patients with hyperopia (farsightedness) are not ideal candidates for SILK. In cases of hyperopia, other refractive procedures like Contoura or LASIK are typically recommended.

  • Corneal Thickness Requirement: A key prerequisite for SILK is adequate corneal thickness. The procedure requires a minimum corneal thickness of 500 microns. Patients with thinner corneas may not be eligible for SILK, necessitating the consideration of other refractive options.

  • Pre-existing Dry Eye Conditions: SILK is generally avoided in patients who already suffer from significant dry eye syndrome. The procedure, despite its minimal impact on corneal nerves, might exacerbate dry eye conditions. In such scenarios, alternative procedures like ICL are often recommended.

  • Inapplicability in Keratoconus: Patients with keratoconus, a condition where the cornea thins and bulges outward, are not suitable candidates for SILK. Keratoconus requires specific treatments and management strategies, and refractive surgeries like SILK are not advisable. ICL may be used for vision correction in keratoconus patients.

  • Not for Post-LASIK or Contoura Vision Corrections: If a patient has previously undergone LASIK, Contoura Vision, or similar refractive surgeries and has residual refractive errors, SILK is not an option for further correction. In such cases, other methods of vision correction or enhancement need to be considered.

  • Limited Availability: Being a newer technology, SILK may not be widely available in all geographic locations or eye care facilities. Its specialized nature means that it requires specific equipment and expertise, which might be accessible only in select centers or regions.

SILK Surgery Recovery Time

The SILK procedure boasts an exceptionally quick recovery period. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities within just 24 hours post-surgery. This rapid recovery is a testament to the advanced biconvex lenticular design, ultra-low energy laser, and minimal invasiveness of the procedure. However, doctors typically recommend taking at least two days off from routine activities to adapt to the new visual system. It's also advised to avoid strenuous physical activities such as gym workouts, jogging, swimming, and engaging in sports like cricket or football for at least one to two weeks. Activities that could be strenuous or risky, such as skydiving or underwater diving, should only be resumed after consulting with the operating doctor.

Complications of SILK

While SILK is associated with a very low risk of complications, it's important to acknowledge that no surgical procedure is completely risk-free. Potential risks include minor infections, slight under or over-correction of vision, and temporary visual disturbances. Short-term side effects like photophobia (light sensitivity), redness, irritation, watering, grittiness, or a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes are common but typically resolve within a day or two. Dry eyes, a less common side effect, usually improve within one to two months. In rare cases, patients might not achieve perfect vision correction initially. If over or under-correction occurs, a follow-up procedure known as "SILK polishing" or a touch-up can be performed after a month to fine-tune the vision. Visual disturbances like glares and halos, although extremely rare, are usually part of the healing process and tend to resolve over time.


SILK Surgery Duration

The SILK procedure is remarkably efficient, with each eye taking approximately 5 minutes to complete. This swift duration not only minimizes patient discomfort but also streamlines the entire surgical experience. The procedure is entirely pain-free, with no need for injections, stitches, blades, bandages, or hospitalization. It's a walk-in, walk-out procedure, making it highly convenient and comfortable for patients.

Eligibility for Patients

SILK is primarily recommended for adults over 18 years who have a stable vision prescription. It's particularly suited for those with myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism within the correctable range. Candidates should have no other significant eye problems apart from refractive errors. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or individuals on immunosuppressant or steroid medications, may need to postpone or reconsider the procedure due to potential impacts on healing.

Repeat Surgery

In very rare cases, patients might experience slight over or under-correction of their vision following the SILK procedure. If this occurs, a minor enhancement procedure, often referred to as "SILK polishing" or a touch-up, can be performed. This additional procedure aims to fine-tune the vision correction, bringing the patient's vision to the desired level. For those who have previously undergone other eye surgeries, SILK can still be a viable option for further vision enhancement, thanks to its precision and safety profile. However, the suitability for repeat procedures should be evaluated on an individual basis, considering the patient's overall eye health and specific needs.

A Comparative Perspective: SILK and its Contemporaries

Refractive surgeries have seen various milestones, with procedures like LASIK, SMILE, and Contoura Vision leading the way for years. However, the introduction of SILK, armed with its 5th generation laser technology, is setting new benchmarks. Its fusion of rapid recovery, precision-driven results, and elevated patient satisfaction positions it as a formidable contender in vision correction.

Endorsements That Matter

When luminaries from the medical fraternity vouch for a procedure, it amplifies its credibility. Dr. Rahil Chaudhary, a Guinness World Record holder for maximum LASIK procedures done, has been effusive in his praise for the SILK Procedure. Drawing parallels with established techniques, he mentioned, "With SILK, we see the safety of PRK combined with the comfort and efficiency of Contoura Vision."

Frequently Asked Questions

Is SILK Safe?

SILK is considered a safe and low-risk procedure. It utilizes the Elita machine, which is renowned for its safety, having received safety approvals like US FDA and CE. While any surgical procedure carries potential risks, SILK's advanced, flapless technique significantly minimizes these risks. Temporary side effects may include dryness and night-time visual symptoms like halos and glares, but these are typically short-lived.


Does SILK Hurt?

SILK is pain-free. The procedure is performed under topical anesthesia with numbing eye drops, ensuring minimal discomfort. It involves no injections, stitches, blades, bandages, or hospitalization, making it a comfortable experience for patients.


Can it Fix Astigmatism?

Yes, SILK effectively corrects astigmatism, typically up to -3.00 diopters, offering a reliable solution for those struggling with this common refractive error.


Who Should Have This Surgery?

Ideal candidates for SILK are adults over 18 years with a stable vision prescription, especially those with myopia up to -8 diopters and astigmatism up to -3 diopters. It's particularly suited for those seeking a minimally invasive, safe, and effective vision correction method.

Is it Worth It? 

For many individuals, SILK is indeed a valuable investment. It offers significant improvements in vision, eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses. This enhancement in vision quality can lead to a better overall quality of life. Financially, the cost of SILK can be quite economical in the long run. When considering the cumulative expenses of glasses or contact lenses over a lifetime, the one-time cost of SILK often comes out to be about 1/20th of these recurring expenses. This makes SILK not only a beneficial choice for visual freedom but also a cost-effective one from a broader perspective.


Is SILK Covered Under Insurance?

Insurance coverage for SILK varies by plan and location. In some regions, like India, insurance may provide coverage for higher prescriptions, typically minus 5 diopters or more.


How Long Will My Vision Be Blurry After SILK?

Vision improvement is typically rapid, with most patients experiencing a significant improvement within 24 hours. Complete stabilization of vision can take a few weeks.


Does it Last Forever?

The changes SILK makes to the cornea are permanent. However, vision can still change due to age-related factors, such as presbyopia(reading power), which usually occurs around the age of 45.


Are You Awake During SILK?

Yes, patients remain awake during SILK. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring comfort while maintaining consciousness.


Can You Get it After LASIK?

SILK is generally not recommended as a corrective procedure for those who have already undergone LASIK.


Can You Get a SILK Surgery Twice?

While repeat SILK procedures are rare, they may be considered for minor adjustments if necessary.


Is it Dangerous?

SILK is not considered dangerous. It's a highly advanced procedure with a strong safety profile, designed to offer effective vision correction with minimal risk.

In Conclusion

The SILK Procedure, with its 5th generation laser technique, isn't just a fleeting chapter in the annals of ophthalmology. It represents a paradigm shift, marking the dawn of an era where vision correction is not only effective but also efficient and patient-centric.

It's paramount to always consult with a seasoned ophthalmologist or eye care specialist before opting for any vision correction procedure.

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